:: Tuesday, May 25, 2004-

The movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is being showed on day b4 the actual opening of the movie in Singapore,but on a higher priced tickets.Which is on the Second of June.This movie is not a preview, because, in actual fact, moview preview are mostly edited and are shorter than the normal ones.Wherelse, according to the Golden Village Website, the movies shown on both dates, the Second and the Third are for 141 minutes.So hurry book your tickets soon Tickets are burning fast.

cast by <-Yuki-> at 5:56 AM :: Monday, May 24, 2004-

Singaporeans can order their ticket online from the following websites:

cast by <-Yuki-> at 3:28 AM

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Movie is out in Singapore on Third June.With the ability to pay more, you would be able to watch it on the second instead.Tickets are selling fast at the price ranging from $7.50 to $8.50.so quick get your tickets now. This announcement is done to all Singaporean Harry Potter fans hope to see you there.

cast by <-Yuki-> at 3:22 AM :: Sunday, May 23, 2004-

Spells - Description:
Accio - summoning spell
Alohomora - door-unlocking spell
Aparecium - makes invisible ink visible
Avada Kedavra - killing curse-one of the Unforgivable Curses
Bubble-Head - Charm An underwater breathing charm
Cruciatus - curse inflicts torture- one of the Unforgivable Curses
Deletrius - disintegrating spell
Densaugeo - causes teeth to grow rapidly
Diffindo - makes something split
Disapparate not really a spell, but allows caster to disappear at will
Dissendium - opens entrance to secret passage to Hogsmeade
Enervate - reviving spell
Engorgio - swelling charm
Expecto Patronum - guards spell-caster from Dementors
Expelliarmus - disarming spell
Ferula - makes a sling for a broken arm
Fidelius - Charm a charm that keeps a secret within a person
Four-Point Spell makes wand a compass
Furnunculus - causes boils
Impediment - Jinx slows down and obstructs opponent
Imperius - Curse can control another person completely- one of the Unforgivable Curses
Incendio fire-lighting curse
Jelly-Legs - Jinx makes opponent's legs wobbly
Lumos - emits a ray of light from your wand
Mobilarbus - spell to move objects
Mobilicorpus - spell to move someone who can't walk
Morsmordre - makes the Dark Mark
Nox spell - to extinguish light on your wand
Obliviate - memory spell that makes the subject forget
Petrificus Totalus - binds arms and legs together
Prior Incantato - reveals a wand's most recent spells
Quietus - reverses the charm Sonorus
Reducio - Shrinking Charm
Reductor Curse blasts apart a solid object
Relashio - makes sparks emit from the wand. Used to repel Grindylows.
Reparo - repairing charm
Rictusempra - tickling spell
Riddickulus - spell to make boggart change its appearance
Shield Charm casts an invisble wall around you to deflect small curses
Sonorus - charm to magnify one's voice
Stupefy - stunning spell
Tarantallegra - dancing spell
Wingardium Leviosa - spell to make things fly

cast by <-Yuki-> at 7:52 AM

Wizard Profile:

Name: Ammegret Yuki Mystic
Location: Singapore,Asia
Age: 14
Occupation: Student

Recent Spells:

Spells - Description: Spell Description Accio, Alohomora, Avada Kedavra, Bubble-Head, Cruciatus, Deletrius, Densaugeo, Diffindo, Disapparate, Dissendium, Enervate, Engorgio, Expecto Patronum, Expelliarmus, Ferula, Fidelius, Furnunculus, Impediment Jinx, Imperius Curse, Incendio fire, Jelly-Legs, Lumos, Mobilarbus, Mobilicorpus, Morsmordre, Nox spell, Obliviate, Petrificus Totalus, Prior Incantato, Quietus, Reducio, Reductor, Relashio, Reparo, Rictusempra, Riddickulus, Shield Charm, Sonorus, Stupefy, Tarantallegra, Wingardium Leviosa.

The movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban...
Singaporeans can order their ticket online from th...
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Movie is ...
Spells - Description: Accio - summoning s...

The Daily Prophet:

05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004


link one
link two
link three


Reading:Harry Potter series and other fantasy books.
Writing:Spells and Poems
Listening to:Elephunk by Black Eyed Peas,Harry Potter Movie Soundtracks,Clay Aiken's Measures of a Man and Mood Music
Loving:Harry Potter(Danial Radcliff),Draco Malfoy(Tom Felton),Witchcraft and Wizardry
Loathing:Certain People
Wanting:A dream holiday to Hawaii, California
Saying: Human Nonsenses

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